Double shot of new single origins

Double shot of new single origins

Send your taste buds for a spin around the globe with a shot of one of our new single origins.

Send your taste buds for a spin around the globe with a shot of one of our new single origins. These come to you from Honduras and Sumatra, two of the world’s best coffee producers and also home to idiosyncratic varieties any coffee lover would want to run past their palate.

Mandheling Celala

For devotees of the Sumatran bean, we now have Mandheling Celala, a medium-strength strong-bodied single origin with cocoa, tobacco and earthy characteristics.

Sumatran coffee growers use Wet Hull processing and this gives the beans their unique qualities and distinctive blue-green colour. The coffee cherries are washed to get ‘Gabah’ (wet parchment) and then exposed to the sun for drying.

The process is the secret to Sumatran coffee but the wet beans are also at greater risk of insect damage, which is why the coffee is hard to get.

Honduras La Flor

From the largest coffee-producing country in Central America comes the Honduras La Flor single origin. It is grown at 1100 – 1400m ASL and at low temperatures in Lempira, in west Honduras, and is graded SHG or SHB, for Strictly High Grown or Strictly Hard Bean.

For the uninitiated, that means a slower maturing fruit, a denser bean and a whole heap of flavours – roasted almonds, chocolate, brown sugar and burnt caramel among them.

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